Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Risk Assessment

Reading Station Car Park

Level of Risk 1/10
Control measures
A member of our group or a piece of equipment could be  harmed and damaged if hit by a car  
We will stop filming as soon as we see a moving car and move
Knock over camera
Camera could become damage or completely  break
We will manage the camera and any other necessary equipment with care
Slippery floor
Somebody could slip and seriously injured themselves
We will avoid filming on wet patches and slippery areas
Attacked by person
A member of the group could be harmed by a random attacked also equipment could be taken in the process
We will be wary of any suspicious people and keep all equipment relatively close at all times
Attacked by animal
A member of the group could suffer from an bite or scratch by an animal e.g. rat
We will examine the locations first for any disturbances
Sharp edges/objects
A member of the group could cut themselves
We will be wary of any sharp objects
Trip hazards
Someone could trip and injure themselves
We will be wary of any trip hazards and we will avoid if necessary  

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