Wednesday, 27 January 2016

The Renegade First Draft

Scene 1- over the shoulder shot of the city with renegade sight tilt of the camera angles
quite low lighting
Background-faint echoing of memories, help me/ help /someone do something/anybody help
Voice over- RENAGADE they all want something, everyone wants something, but why should i help

Scene 2- cuts to a close up image of the damaged wall/metal railing, with the city in the background
music reaches its peak

Scene 3 title scene -cuts to black- with the sound of footsteps giving a beat/or in time with

Scene 4
it transitions from going back to the back of renegade walking-
this will the be a tracking/stationary shot of the character walking away then either a shots of the floor where he is walk in past close ups on the wall ads he is walking past or a tracking shot of him just walking.

Scene 5- either a continuation or a cut from the last shot showing the reaction of the renegade while in the distance we hear someone getting mugged,

Scene 6-(POV of the renegade) showing the muggers who reacting to the renegade and act quieter, stop what they're doing and stare at the camera as it goes by-

Scene 7- over shoulder shot of the two muggers,
Mugger 1- keep on walking-
Mugger 2- dickhead (murmurs under his breath)

Scene 8- tracking shot of the renegade turning and walking back (music starts to swell again)
(Two muggers start laughing)
Victim -i don't need your help i've got this

Scene 9- cuts to a wide shot of all of everyone in the shot
The Renegade -shut up before you say something stupid again
                        -now you two, you're gonna turn around and you're gonna walk away
Mugger 2-what if we don't
The Renegade -wrong answer

----------------------------------------------------FIGHT SCENE-----------------------------------------------------

Finishing shot of a close up shot of The Renegades punch going into a black screen
title fades on the the screen.       (music builds)
title flashes on the the screen-The Renegade   
                                               (music cuts+screen goes black)